This 6-9 Month Baby Food Menu brings new and exciting ideas to the table — literally! Know what to feed your baby for breakfast, lunch, and dinner using Stage 1 and Stage 2 baby foods. Plus, there is a free printable menu that you can use to map out your baby’s meals for the entire week!

Graphic for post – baby food menu 6 to 9 month, plus free printable menu. Images of two white ice cube trays full of different color purées with tags saying breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Medically reviewed and co-written by Jamie Johnson, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), and Lauren Braaten, Pediatric Occupational Therapist (OT).

6-9 Months Baby Food Menu

Are you looking to plan your baby’s meals out for the week?

Then this meal plan is for you!

This easy-to-use meal plan guide featuring Stage 1 and Stage 2 Baby Food purees has month-to-month meal suggestions for your baby’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I even included a free printable for you to print and fill out with what your baby will eat at each meal. It’s a convenient tool for use at home or to be sent to your daycare, grandparents, or caregiver’s house.

Is it your first time making homemade baby food? If you answered yes, then I suggest you start this journey by reading my in-depth Guide on How to Make Homemade Baby Food. The detailed article goes over all the essential information such as the best cooking tools to have on handsafe storageknowing when your baby is ready for solidsintroducing pureesmaking the best first foods for baby, and more! You can also check out my best-selling cookbook for even more information and recipes.

How to Make Baby Food

Watch this video to see how easy it is to make your own baby food!

Baby girl in a high chair holding a spoon.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can baby eat purees?

When a baby can start on solids is determined by their own rate of development, which generally comes between 4-6 months of age. Some of the developmental milestones babies need to reach in order to start solids include: if your baby has solid control of their head and neck, if your baby has doubled in weight, and if your baby is reaching for or opening their mouth when you eat (see my guide here). Before you start baby on purees, you should consult with your pediatrician to make sure your child is developmentally ready.

How many ounces of purees should baby eat?

By the time baby is ready for finger foods, she should be eating around 4 ounces of food at each meal. If it is more or less than this, do not worry. Babies get most of their nutrition from formula or breast milk until they turn 1 year old.

Does baby need teeth to eat?

The question of how babies can chew foods without teeth makes any parent scratch their heads! But in reality, we all chew food with our back molars, not our front teeth, which baby doesn’t get until 18-22 months of age. Good thing babies have super tough and strong gums, which they use to mash, gnaw and chew foods. Baby’s gums are better at chewing food than you would think, and your baby will be able to chew more foods the older they get, even without their molars.

Helpful Tools

These tools will make it a lot easier to make homemade baby food purees. For more of my favorite kitchen tools make sure to check out my shop.



Feeding Tips

2-3 Meals a Day

Aim to serve your baby 2 to 3 meals a day, and then add 2 more meals as your baby gets more comfortable with the eating process.

Start with a Small Portion

Start by feeding your baby 1-2 ounces of a puree, and if they want more food, then, by all means, offer them more. However, if they turn their heads or clamp their mouths shut, take the food away and try again later.

Pick the Right Time

You don’t want to try out new food or have mealtime when your baby is hungry. It’s best to feed your baby solid foods when they already had a little breastmilk or formula in their tummies but not when they’re too full either.

Breastmilk & Formula

Babies will continue to get most of their calories from breastmilk or formula until around one year of age. So don’t be stressed if it takes a little more time for your baby to develop their new eating skills. At this stage, feeding your baby solids is mostly for exposure and practice.

Serve a Wide Range of Foods

It’s significant to serve babies assorted foods. Aim for lots of colors, textures, and flavors. Exposing your baby to various foods now will help them be comfortable with a wide range of foods down the road and help prevent picky eating.


It may take your baby up to 10 times of trying a certain recipe to decide if they like it or not. So remember to keep offering them that particular kind of food, even if they push it away the first 9 times you offer it.

Be Patient

Some days your baby might eat everything you put in front of them, and other days, they might refuse to open their mouths. As challenging as it may be, you just have to increase your patience with them and follow their lead. Remember that each time you sit down for a meal together is a chance to work on new skills — how to sit on a high chair, hold (and drop) a spoon, reach out, grab a sippy cup, etc. So nothing is lost even if they don’t eat a single bite of food; they are still learning.

Baby food weekly menu for baby 6 months and up

6 Month Menu Options

At 6 months old, your baby should be getting 2-4 tablespoons (1-2 ounces) of solids twice a day. But, again, do not be discouraged if your baby is not eating this much at each feeding. Solids are just for fun at this point!




9 Month Menu Options

At 9 months, your baby should be extremely comfortable with stage 2 purees and may start transitioning to stage 3 purees, which have soft chunks that babies can easily chew. By now, your baby should be eating from all of the food groups with 3 meals and 1-2 snacks a day, along with breastmilk or formula.


